Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada
woman‎Cheryl 0.3116's Spouse‏‎
Born ‎before 1945‎, age at least 79 years

Married ‎after 1960, age at least 15 years (married at most 64 years) to:

manJames 0.3116 Carruthers‏, age by marriage at least 16 years, son of George Lewis 0.311 Carruthers and Eleanor Black‏.
Born ‎ 1944‎, age 79 or 80 years


man‎Colin 0.31161 Carruthers‏‎
Born ‎after 1965‎, age at most 59 years

Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada

- Coutts Reunion Association -