Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada
woman‎Florence Millen‏‎
Born ‎ 1889-02-18, died ‎ 1982‎, age 92 or 93 years

Married ‎ 1916-02-16, age 26 years (married 19 or 20 years) to:

manJohn Coutts 0.51 Monteith‏, age by marriage 40 years, son of George Monteith and Margaret 0.5 Coutts‏.
Born ‎ 1875-05-09 Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada, died ‎ 1936‎, age 60 or 61 years


woman‎Dorothy Margaret 0.511 Monteith‏‎
Born ‎ 1919-05-16‎, age 104 years

woman‎Norma Frances 0.512 Monteith‏‎
Born ‎ 1927-05-24, died ‎ 1989-08-12‎, age 62 years

Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada

- Coutts Reunion Association -