Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada
man‎Dr Townsend‏‎
Born ‎before 1921‎, age at least 103 years

Married ‎ 1956, age at least 35 years (married 22 or 23 years) to:

womanFrancis Elizabeth 0.313 Carruthers‏, age by marriage 43 or 44 years, daughter of George 0.31 Carruthers and Edith Lewis‏.
Born ‎ 1912, died ‎ 1979‎, age 66 or 67 years, 1st marriage to: Robert Brenen, 2nd marriage to: George Peters, ‎3rd marriage to: Dr Townsend

Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada

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