Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada
woman‎Sara Elizabeth 0.7212 Coutts‏‎, daughter of Walter Barry 0.721 Coutts and Barbara Mabel Leman‏.
Born ‎ 1955-12-26 Calgary, AB, Canada‎, age 68 years

Married ‎ 1990-02-24, age 34 years (married 34 years) to:

manIan Ronald Austen‏, age by marriage 34 years
Born ‎ 1956-01-28‎, age 68 years


man‎Adam Bethune 0.72121 Austen‏‎
Born ‎ 1993-08-21‎, age 30 years

man‎Timothy Barry 0.72122 Austen‏‎
Born ‎ 1996-05-04‎, age 27 years

Coutts Reunion, Midhurst, Springwater, ON, Canada

- Coutts Reunion Association -