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The idea for the Communications Fraud Control Association began in February 1985 with a group of concerned communications security professionals from several different long distance carriers. Intent upon finding a more effective way to combat the growing problem of communications fraud, representatives from AT&T, ITT, MCI, Network One, Satellite Business Systems and Sprint met to lay the groundwork for the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA). These representatives left their first meeting assured that a cooperative effort through an Association of security professionals was a realistic and appropriate response to the identified need.

Through the years, membership categories have expanded to include a world-wide network of: carriers, PBX /PABX owners, ISPs, cable and satellite provides, corporate end-users, operator service providers, fraud system developers, prosecutors, members of law enforcement agencies, communications consultants and companies that provide revenue assurance solutions for wireless, wireline, IP, NGN, etc., systems.

CFCA Headquarters are located in Roseland, NJ and is staffed by our Executive Director, Roberta Aronoff and our Administrative Manager, Katie Kaczorowski.

Educational events sponsored by CFCA are conducted around the world and taught by members of the Association and other experts in the field. These programs center on the need to know how communications systems are being penetrated by the fraudsters, how to combat the fraud and how to protect companies assets.

The focus of CFCA’s educational programs provide invaluable training and information that will increase competencies needed to combat the new fraud and revenue protection challenges that continue to emerge worldwide. In the triple play environment in which companies offer bundled voice, data and video, fraud vulnerabilities must remain under control to ensure profits.

Because the field of communications fraud/revenue management and loss prevention continue to evolve, there is a need to provide training to provide new and experienced investigators and systems managers an understanding of the problems to keep abreast of emerging technologies. To further the professional development of its members, CFCA instituted a certification program in 1993.

CFCA produces a quarterly publication, the Communicator, which focuses exclusively on the issue of communications fraud. The Fraud Alert Library offers members up-to-the-minute information about the latest scams, evolving investigations and cases, compromised calling card and authorization codes and other related fraud matters. The 24x7 Information Sharing Forum serves as a vital link and networking vehicle for Association members.

CFCA’s membership consists of approximately 200 different carriers, private network owners, end-users, law enforcement officers and others from around the world. CFCA staff is available to assist those desiring more information concerning CFCA membership and the Association’s efforts to combat communications fraud.

CFCA, 4 Becker Farm Road, 3rd Floor, PO Box 954, Roseland, NJ 07068 USA
Phone +1-973-871-4032  | Fax +1-973-871-4075  | E-mail: fraud@cfca.org